Lauren Glick opening for Cheap Trick
Written by Lauren Glick
We have incredible news people! Lauren Glick and Dave Tarlecki will be opening up for Cheap Trick on August 10, 2018 at The Freeman Stage in Selbyville, Delaware at 7:00pm. Cheap Trick are one of the most active and successful bands in American music history. You know them and you love them. Cheap Trick earned their place in the Rock and Roll Hame of Fame in 2016. Ironically, Cheap Trick was the very first concert Lauren Glick ever attended so this is a life long full circle dream come true for her. She is deeply moved and honored to be sharing the stage with her idols. She promises to deliver a special rocking performance to remember.
For more information please visit:https://www.eventbrite.com/e/cheap-trick-tickets-43414263230?aff=odwdwdspacecraft
Published: August 02, 2018